Multi Purpose Room Fundraising

About MPR Fundraiser

As Mattos enrollment grew, the need for our campus to accommodate more students also grew. Mattos was in Phase 2 of construction which includesd building an MPR (Multi Purpose Room) designed to serve a variety of programming and functional purposes. The indoor capacity of the MPR was not be conducive for holding events & performances for the whole school, which was ideal for our learning community model. For this reason, the Mattos PTA had set a goal to raise $40K, which was needed to build an outdoor stage attached to the exterior of the MPR.

The Multi Purpose Room:

  • Allowed for the whole school community (students, families, and staff) to gather together at once.

  • Help students develop their confidence and leadership skills through public speaking and performance opportunities.

  • Be used for school community meetings and forums.

Donation Tree

Once the proposed stage was built, we instaledl a beautiful donor recognition Tree on the outside wall of the MPR so that it would be visible to everyone in the community.

We thanks everyone who helped sponsor a leaf and bring this project to life

What is the General fund and what is the MPR fund?

In the General fund, your donation supports wonderful programs, events, and field trips and this year would include things like:

  • Virtual Field Trips

  • Virtual Enrinchment Progrmas

  • Schoolwide Initiatives

  • School Supplies and Technology

The Multi Purpose Room Fundraiser began out of a wish to have a space on our campus where the entire school community could gather, like we have at our Mattos Monday Meetup. However, the current space used cannot support our increasing enrollment. Our campus is undergoing construction. The PTA seeks to innovate on the initial design by expanding the Multi Purpose Room with an outdoor stage that can accommodate our entire school once complete!

How much do I donate?

The suggested donation is $150 per student but no amount is too small (or too big!). Donations of $300 or more to the MPR fund will be recognized on an installation we’re creating to honor our donors. This Tree will be installed on our new Multi Purpose Room!

How do I donate

You can always donate online.

PTA will also have a Pledge Drive Booth outside Mattos from Sep 13 - 17 from 8.30 am to 9 am.

  • Checks/Cash. Place in the envelope and drop off at the office or at the Pledge Drive booth.

    • Make checks payable to “Mabel Mattos Elementary PTA”.

    • Specify “MPR Funds” if you choose to donate towards the Multi Purpose Room.

  • Paypal/Credit Card (2.2% fee).

  • Through Employer portal

Donate and be part of this journey.

What are the time frames?

The direct donation campaign runs through October 31th 2021. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, 100% of your direct donation is tax deductible. Many companies match your donations to non-profit organizations. Please check with your company. Some companies who have employer matching programs are: Apple, Google, Qualcomm, Samsung, Cisco, Facebook.

Each child will get 5 Phoenix Points for their participation even if they simply return the empty envelope to the office.

Please write us at, if you have any questions.

Can I donate through my employer portal?

We are registered on which is one of the biggest employee donation matching portal used by companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Intel etc.

In other company portals, you can find our PTA by searching for our Tax ID (EIN) 90-1280948.

Apart from this, some companies have their own portal, if you would like us to be registered on your company portal, kindly send us the details and we will work to get our PTA on board.

Some companies also allow you to donate directly and submit an internal matching request separately. You can check here and find out what tool your company uses to do the donation match.

In case you donate through your company portal, you can either print out the donation confirmation(with the amount and company details) and return it in the envelope, where you specify what PTA fund you are donating to, or submit your envelope with details here. Envelopes can be returned to school or can be submitted electronically

If I donate $150 and my company matches with $150+, will I get a bronze leaf?

We most certainly appreciate your donation accompanied by a company match (and highly encourage you to do so to maximize our Funds) , but in order to be fair to all families who don’t have such a privilege, we thoughtfully made a decision that a person/family will get a leaf only if their individual donation amount exceeds $300.

Can my personal and company match donation be split towards different PTA funds?

e.g. I personally donate to the General PTA Fund, but I want my company’s donation to be towards the MPR Fund?

For us to be able to smoothly process all donations and avoid any confusion, both your personal & company donation would be towards the same PTA Fund.

However you can make two separate donations under different causes and achieve this.

If I donate $150 towards the General fund and $150 towards the MPR fund, will I get a leaf?

In order to receive a leaf on our MPR Donor Tree, the donation should be specifically made towards the MPR Fund with an amount of $300 or more.

If I donate $600, can I get two leaves?

The range for receiving a bronze leaf is $300 - $999. If you donate $600, you will be allotted a single bronze leaf.

If we reach the goal of 40K for MPR Fund, will the leftover fund go to the General PTA fund?

Yes, the leftover funds will be redirected towards the General PTA fund. However, all families who donated $300 or more towards the MPR Fund will still get a leaf.

How can I get my donation receipt?

Company donation portals and donations through PayPal generate a valid donation receipt automatically. If you have been issued a receipt by your company portal or PayPal, please don’t request another one from the PTA. Donation receipts issued are for the actual donation, not from the company match.

For cash or check donations, receipt can be provided at the Pledge Drive Booth from Sep 13 - 17, 8.30 am to 9 am